Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast Early and Late Marriage - 750 Words

Marriage is an inevitable stage of our life. However, people debate over the pros and cons of early marriage and late marriage. Some people get married early just because of their environment and culture. Some have to marry their partner due to pregnancy or other social issues. In some parts of the world, people focus more on education and career and they prefer to marry late. Undoubtedly, the marriage is one of the most important institutions of the society. Each person in the world would like to get married as a consequence, they want to have their children and their houses which is they can live. However, there is a comparison and contrast on marrying young or marrying late. The first difference in marrying late or marrying early is†¦show more content†¦Some young people decide to get married even without any sources to existing. The reason for lack of money in a young family is not only a low income but also radiant expectations of the young. Teenagers think they will be able to buy all that things immediately while their parents have needed years for achieving such wealth. Having baby at early twenties can have some other advantages in early marriage compare to late marriage. In such cases, parents and children would grow up in similar culture and they can have more understandings to each other. Before the age of 50, they can be more relaxed because the children will be old enough to take care of themselves. When their children become teenagers, they’re still young enough to be not just their parents, but also their friends. Late marriage will result in late childbirth which is not very ideal for both mother’s and baby’s health. Then, people will give birth to fewer children than those in early marriages. Some might even plan to adopt one. Having fewer children means less bound between husband and wife. Parents are too old by the time their children get married. Probably not even chance to see their grandchildren. Companionship exist in both early and late marriage. In a marriage there is always someone to talk to or to listen to you. Sometimes, of course, your spouse might not be really listening to you but it is still more satisfying than talking to yourself. It is goodShow MoreRelatedThe Movement Of The 18th And 17th Century Essay1526 Words   |  7 Pagesin a poet’s zone invariably sets you inside a poetic movement or community. Major poetic movements include Greek Poetry Schools (6th century BC), Provencal literature (11th-12th century), Silican court poets (mid 13th to early 14th centuries), Elizabeth and Romantican poets (late 16th- 17th century), American Transcendentalists, Paris expatriate (Surrealist) and Beat poets (20th Century). These movements have been fundamental to change the course of poetry in and out of their eras. 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